It's probably happening...
Maybe even to some people who are reading this post right now...
Some of you might be sputtering out of steam on New Year’s resolutions, yes? You're not alone. In fact, some 80% of people who set New Year’s goals will be giving up on them by February.
However, if you're looking to revive the goals you established at the start of the year, I have a short exercise that can help. Taking just 10 minutes to write about what your life will look like just a few months from now when you've stayed on track with the habits and goals you've chosen can be really powerful. It's pretty straightforward...just answer these questions:

● "How do I feel when I wake up in the morning?"
Imagine: you open your eyes energized, confident, in control of the day, and no longer dreading getting out of bed or facing your daily schedule.
● "How do I see myself when I look in the mirror?"
Do you see a strong, confident, vibrant, healthy version of yourself ? (Your've been working toward this feeling!)
● "How are my friends and family reacting to the ‘new’ me?"
Are they inspired by the changes they see in you? Have they noticed how much happier, more energetic, and more productive you are in the day to day?
● "What activities am I able to enjoy now that I couldn’t before?:
Maybe it's doing 30 minutes of continuous cardio, playing with your kids without running out of breath or energy, feeling stronger in your workouts, or feeling motivated to add even more goals into your life.
● "How has achieving my goals impacted other areas of my life?" Do you feel more fulfilled, more at peace, more confident at work and in other relationships, more connected to the person you want to be?
The point is to connect to the future you and really feel what it will be like to become that person. It's not just the about the “goal” itself, but the deeper reason (you "why") that compelled you to set that goal in the first place.
When you connect to that version of you … it's easier to stay motivated, even when potential setbacks might get in the way.
So take 10 minutes today (or some time this week!) to put yourself through this exercise.
And it doesn't have to be something you do once and forget about. You can come back to this exercise to remember why you started-whether it's rereading your first thoughts, or repeating it so see if your answers evolve! And I'd love to hear how it's going!
Check out some great deals from brands I love in this footer each week! These are also paid affiliate links and I earn from qualifying purchases, but they will only be items or services I actually believe in. I hope you'll consider (and enjoy!) the suggestions!
If you've ever been curious about fasting mimicking diets (fasting, but with food), check out ProLon! I'll be doing another round of their 5 day fast in a couple weeks-plenty of time for you to order yours at 15% off (through my link) and let me know if you want to start together! #prolon #fastingmimickingdiet