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Writer's pictureDawn Hollister

Bright Futures Fitness Launches Email Newsletter

I'm excited about the possibilities a regular monthly email presents to stay connected with clients, followers, families of my kiddos and anyone who also might benefit from the information offered even if we never actually work together! I hope you'll consider signing up for inbox delivery, so here is a tiny preview...

From the opening :

I just finished sorting through email, again. It's a task I do more than once a day, but that first deluge in the morning is something else. It's mostly self-inflicted. I put myself on email lists for all kinds of reasons including special offers, upcoming special offers, genuine interest in content, maybe even just to support the writer/sender.

I bet you get a lot of emails, too. I promise to keep that in mind and if you are kind enough to stick around on this one, you won't be bombarded on frequency or volume. I will strive to provide valuable content, whether it be exercise related, help with habits, upcoming BFF events, general life ponderings, recipes, probably even links (affiliate or otherwise) to save money on fitness products. I will value your time and use the platform sparingly.

But you have to read the rest for some health advice, a tease about next month's content, and a suggestion for updates on fitness brands sales and specials! See if you'd like to subscribe before hitting that button. If you decide you would like to subscribe, A: THANK YOU! and B: you can find the subscribe form on the Contacts tab from the BFF homepage, and also click on the "check out our site" tab at the bottom of the email to bring you there.

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