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Healthy Habits for Bright Futures: Blueprint 4 Fit Families Course & Coaching Program

Date and time is TBD


Virtual events & digital deliveries

The program would include aspects of nutrition, exercise, sleep & mindfulness/stress management (with some other self-care), with continued support in a private member community. Course material will be delivered at the parent/adults in the family level, but will be designed for the whole family!

Tickets are not on sale
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Healthy Habits for Bright Futures: Blueprint 4 Fit Families Course & Coaching Program
Healthy Habits for Bright Futures: Blueprint 4 Fit Families Course & Coaching Program

Time & Location

Date and time is TBD

Virtual events & digital deliveries

About the event

Following a 6 or 12 week timeline (to be determined), each subject will be the focus for one week each of the three months. For example, we might discuss and take action on nutrition the first week, exercise the second, sleep the third and stress management the fourth.

Further,, this wait list is for a beta testing group. This group will have a cap on the number of participants (10-20, tbd) for the purposes of finalizing the content, structure and delivery methods. You'll be in on the ground floor! I'll be anxious to get your feedback along the way, and hopefully a testimonial at the end (if I earned it)...all in exchange for your early access, your trust, and a discounted price.  

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